Drub Nyiy Döjö Gatsal Three-Year Retreat
"The Joyful Grove that Provides Both Kinds of Accomplishments"

Drub Nyiy Döjö Gatsal is a three year retreat center in the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, specifically in the Dudjom Tersar Lineage. It was was established by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche in 1992 as part of a far reaching vision to bring the study and practice of the Dharma in its entirety to the West and he taught there continuously, overseeing many retreats, until his Parinirvana in 2013.
In speaking of his vision, Lama Tharchin Rinpoche said:
"In the West there are many Dharma practitioners and many teachers, but I feel that the students lack a real overview of the body of the Dharma teachings from beginning to end. In order to serve the Vajrayana teachings I would like to open the road to understanding Dharma in its entirety ... I would like to provide an opportunity for those willing and able, to practice this path to completion. I hope some will be able to teach this doctrine themselves, thus preserving and advancing the Dharma in the west in its original, pristine form" (1997).
Since Rinpoche's passing, the retreats have continued without interruption under the guidance and blessings of HH Dudjom Rinpoche III Sangye Pema Shepa with Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche as retreat master until his Parinirvana in 2018. Now with Kyabje Rinpoche's Parinirvana this year, the retreats continue under Tulku Thadral Rinpoche, Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche and Drubpon Pema Rigdzin - teachers who Kyabje Rinpoche specifically endorsed back in 2018.
Questions about doing Three Year Retreat? Watch this video where Drupon Pema Rigdzin answers questions about doing a long retreat by clicking HERE
Training in the three inner tantras lies at the heart of this tradtional three-year retreat program, starting with a focus on the preliminary practice, ngondro, before undertaking the disciplines of the Maha yoga three roots, the Anu yoga yogic disciplines and the Ati Yoga clear light Vajra essence.
For a more in-depth description of the “curriculum” click here for Lama Tharchin Rinpoche's comprehensive explanation of the Gradual Path given in 1997.
We are still accepting applicants for the next retreat, which will begin after Tibetan New Year in early 2024.
If you have been contemplating taking a leap with your practice and if this long-term traditional group retreat setting resonates with you, please write a preliminary letter of intent using the questions asked in the Preliminary Motivation Letter as a guideline and email it to drubdra@vajrayana.org. We have begun the process of reviewing applications and look forward to hearing from you.
More detailed information will be added to this page in the coming weeks.
Drub Nyiy Döjö Gatsal Retreat
"Between the hermit meditating in the mountains and the donor who provides his or her sustenance, there is a link that will lead them to enlightenment together. Dedication of merit is the very heart of this link." Jetsun Milarepa
"...We are all connected within the same mandala, supporters and supported alike... Our merit, like a drop of water in the ocean, will always increase.. until we realize stainless enlightenment together." Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Make a one-time or a recurring donation to support the three-year retreat
For more information about specific needs and projects contact us at drubdra@vajrayana.org.
To make a donation by mail please send a check to Vajrayana Foundation and mail it attention "Drubdra"
All donations are tax-deductible.