Tuesday, April 12 2016

3 PM
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016 3 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Weekend Teaching


The Practice of the View, Meditation, and Action, Called “The Sublime Heart Jewel” - The Speech Virtuous in the Beginning, Middle and End by Patrul Rinpoche 



Teachings will be given in Tibetan with English and Chinese translation


Chinese Translation

RIDE SHARE SITE  (carpooling is mandatory) 

Offsite Accomodations (we are only able to offer limited onsite accomodation)

Text Information


“…it gives me so much hope for knowing that Khenpo Rinpoche exists on this earth…”  HE Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (Click here for a video clip in which Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche speaks of Khenchen's qualities)

“Khenchen Rinpoche is a rare jewel … I encourage you with all my heart to connect with this truly great master.”   Lama Sonam Rinpoche

We are extremely fortunate that
Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrö Rinpoche will come to Pema Osel Ling to teach on Patrul Rinpoche's "The Sublime Heart Jewel." The text was translated into English by Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and we are happy to offer a copy of this text to everyone attending. 

This precious text emphasizes compassion, with instructions that are profoundly relevant to practitioners at every stage of the path. For beginners, it teaches the correct way of entering the path; for seasoned practitioners, it reveals how to meditate without going astray; and for sublime practitioners, it instructs in how to properly care for others in a vast and skillful way.


April 12:     3:00 – 6:00 PM
April 13      3:00 – 6:00 PM
April 14:     10:00 – 12:00 PM  
and  3:00 – 5:00 PM (Q&A plus  tsok)  

Khenchen Rinpoche, main dharma heir of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, is a great Dzogchen master and one of the world’s most prominent Tibetan Buddhist scholars. He is known for his vast compassion, humility, and penetrating wisdom.

Rinpoche teaches dharma worldwide, often in schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and Beijing University. He runs Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy in Sertha Larung, Tibet (responsible for the education of over 15,000 monastics). He founded Wisdom and Compassion Elementary Schools, the Novice Monk Schools, nursing homes, and Initiation of Loving Heart, which encourages Buddhists to cultivate compassion by helping the needy. He is responsible for the publication of over 100 Dharma books and has coordinated scholars from all Tibetan regions. He promotes environmental awareness and vegetarianism. For an alternate biography, please click here


More Events with Khenchen Rinpoche

Bay Area

APRIL 16-20 :
in Santa Clara, California, organized by DECHEN RANG DHARMA CENTER
Longchenpa's "Precious Garland." 
For information in English, click here 
For information in Chinese, click here

APRIL 21 :
UC Berkeley/ UC Berkeley Buddhist Studies Program
What is the Value of a Life? A Tibetan Buddhist Perspective
For information in English, click here


APRIL 29- MAY 1 :
Salt Lake City

Nectar of the Heart - a song of realization written by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo


MAY 7-9:
Quiescence and Profound Insight

For more information about these two events, click here