Friday, June 18 2021

8 AM
Saturday, Jun 12, 2021 8 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Practice Retreat

Guru Rinpoche statue


- Summer Retreat 2021 -

Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat

Lungs, Teachings, and Practice Sessions,  June 12 - 20

By Streaming, with Tulku Jamyang Rinpoche and Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche



Retreat Registration


Seven Treasures Text List


Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat Schedule (Updated 5.27)




Join us June 20th - Seven Treasures Retreat conclusion, Guru Rinpoche Day Livestream

Morning Streaming Session, 8:00 am -

Afternoon Streaming Session 2:30 pm -

Online Viewable Text (Click Here)

Page Turning Guide (Click Here)

Please make auspicious offerings here.



On the benefits of the Vajra Guru mantra, Guru Rinpoche says,

“This is the essence mantra of all Sugatas, the accomplishment practice of all Victorious Buddhas in one. By meditating upon Me and reciting the Siddhi mantra, you will traverse the fifteen bhumis and five paths. It is the same as reading all the teachings of all the Buddhas of the three times.” Also, “This will awaken you from clinging to the solidity of appearing existence. It is the condensation of all the Victorious Buddhas of the three times. It is indivisible from all lamas. It subdues all elemental spirits and arrogant spirits. Dakinis and dharma protectors will gather like clouds. All the male and female dakas and dakinis be overjoyed and come to bestow supreme and common siddhis. If you do not receive signs of accomplishment, then I, Padmasambhava, have deceived sentient beings. Therefore, my future fortunate son, keep this in your heart. Samaya.” Also, “By reciting Padmasambhava’s twelve-syllable essence mantra twelve hundred thousand times, the seed of samsara will be eliminated. By reciting it 36 hundred thousand times, one will reach the level of the Awareness-Holders. By reciting it ten million times one will become equal to me, Padmasambhava.”


Lama Sonam Rinpoche reminds us that, "Our teacher, the perfect Buddha, through his great skillfulness and limitless compassion, gave an unimaginable variety of nectar-like Dharma teachings according to the different predispositions, faculties, and fortune of beings. The most supreme, the very best of all those teachings, is this complete and deceitless clear light Secret Mantra Vajrayana vehicle through which one can accomplish buddhahood in one lifetime, in which there is the path of diligent practice for those whose are inclined to gradual progress, and the supreme sudden path for those of the sharpest faculties and who have a karmic connection from past lives.


"We have the good fortune and karmic connection to have faith in the Lama, Guru Rinpoche, and to be able to practice this Collection of Seven Treasures, the most supreme among all Lama Accomplishment (Ladrup) practices. It was compiled by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche from seven great treasures of the Nyingma Lineage, the Gathering of Secrets (Sangwa Düpa) of Guru Chöwang, the Gathering of the Eight Commands (Kagyay Düpa) of Dorje Lingpa, the Gathering of the Innermost Essence (Yangnying Düpa) of Ratna Lingpa, the Gem Ocean (Norbu Gyatso) of Padma Lingpa, the Gathering of the Victorious Ones (Gyalwa Düpa) of Zhigpo Lingpa, the Complete Gathering of the Enlightened Intent (Gongpa Yongdü) of Düdül Lingpa, and the Complete Gathering of the Sugatas (Deshek Yongdü) of Dudjom Rinpoche himself. He compiled them all into one simple practice which encompasses the entire Nyingma Lineage, through which we can actually accomplish enlightenment in a single lifetime."


There is no practice commitment for attending the Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat except to accumulate the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as possible. 


Please register to receive the live streaming links. All donations support the streaming of dharma programs and help support the ongoing expenses of Pema Osel Ling. If you are not able to offer at one of the suggested levels, please contact no one will be turned away for lack of funds. 


Accumulations: We will be accumulating the Vajra Guru Mantra starting June 12th, please turn in your accumulations daily or together on the last day (June 20th) to


You may accummulate either of the following mantras:







*Please Note: Dates and Times are Approximate & Subject to Change*

8:45 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 8:45 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Practice Retreat



- Summer Retreat 2021 - 

May 19 - June 20

By Streaming, with Tulku Jamyang Rinpoche and Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche



2021 Summer Retreat Schedule (Updated 5.27)


Tseyang Khatrod Retreat, May 19 - May 26


Troma Nagmo Retreat, May 29 - June 5


Shitro Ngakso and Neydren Ceremony, June 7 - June 9


Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat, June 12 - June 20



These retreats will be offered over livestream to allow for Sangha to join us during these difficult times, please click the link for the retreat you are interested in above for more information and to register. 


"Our precious Lama Tharchin Rinpoche established a one month Summer Retreat starting in 1989, calling it our “sangha dharma party”, and we have continued it without interruption to this day. Every year we do practices of the Three Roots deities and conclude with Drubchen (Great Accomplishment). These practices help to counteract negative circumstances for each practitioner, as well as those negative circumstances which cause so much hardship for the whole world, including disease, famine, war, conflict, and especially epidemic diseases like we are experiencing now."[Lama Sonam Rinpoche]


Please register to receive the live streaming links. All donations support the streaming of dharma programs and help support the ongoing expenses of Pema Osel Ling. If you are not able to offer at one of the suggested levels, please contact no one will be turned away for lack of funds. 


*Please Note: Dates and Times are Approximate & Subject to Change*