Please join us as we remember our sublime and most kind founder and teacher
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche.
Sessions are available free of charge.
Schedule: 8 am - noon and 1 to 3 pm
The online text will be at this link:
The page turning guide for physical texts is at this link:
We want to share Rinpoche's own beautiful words about the importance of decho "We can come together and pray, make aspiration prayers together that immediately this life has set we can be reborn in the Pureland, that we can practice together and attain fully enlightened Buddhahood always together. Then we don't have any separation, from life to life."
"When our teachers pass into parinirvana, this means that through their immeasurable compassion, they will be performing their wisdom activity in a different way. One of their activities is to remind us of the inescapable truth of impermanence - to compel us to practice seriously. It is very beneficial during this time (Decho) to do practice and to sponsor tsok and butterlamps, as well as offer water bowls, prostrations and circumambulations." Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche
At Pema Osel Ling we will be offering strings of beautiful white lotus lights on the mandala base of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche’s reliquary stupa. Lama Sonam Rinpoche has said that "The outer lights symbolize the inner light of our own practice. Our meditation cultivates our natural light. Light can manifest for many beings to dispel ignorance, bringing incredible merit to ourselves and to all sentient beings. By offering lights, we are praying that the inner light of all beings is joined with infinite light."