*Cancelled" Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche

Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche



Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche, founder of the Pristine Mind Foundation,

"The Connection Between Dzogchen and Ngondro".

August 4 ~ 3:00 to 5:00 pm (Pacific)

In Person and By Streaming


Rinpoche will talk about his new book, "From Foundation To Summit", due to be released in July 2024. The publisher has this summary introduction to Rinpoche's book.


"Essential instructions on the Vajrayana path to ultimate enlightenment, from the foundational contemplations about the nature of reality to the ultimate realizations of the wisdom of Dzogchen.


"In the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, before one can receive empowerments and pointing-out instructions from a dharma master, one must first open and prepare the mind by engaging in the foundational practices (ngöndro). This consists of completing a specified number of repetitions of the rituals of taking refuge, arousing the mind of awakening (bodhichitta), mandala offering, Vajrasattva purification, and Guru Yoga.


"In this book, Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche brilliantly explains how to engage in the foundational practice according to the New Treasures of the Dudjom tradition, the Dudjom Tersar. And from the outset, Orgyen Chowang introduces the pristine teachings of Dzogchen, the pinnacle of the Nyingma path, to provide the context that informs every stage of the path to awakening.


"This book is based on a series of oral teachings on Thinley Norbu’s text A Cascading Waterfall of Nectar, itself a teaching on the Dudjom Tersar, that Orgyen Chowang gave to Western students over a three-month period in 1997. He explains in a very fresh, uncomplicated way such topics as receiving the blessings from the lama, the nature of awakening, the role of pointing-out instructions, tranquility and insight meditation, the three bodies of enlightenment, and the Dzogchen practices of trekchöd (cutting through) and thögal (passing over). This book will be of immense benefit to those engaged in the Dudjom Tersar ngöndro, those who have already finished their ngöndro accumulations, and those engaged in the foundational practice from other Nyingma lineages."


Registration to Follow


Rinpoche's new book, "From Foundation To Summit", will be available at Dharma Treasures as soon as it is released by the publisher. You may pick up your copy on site before the teaching. Rinpoche has offered to sign his book during this visit.



Organizer Dharma Programs


Sun, Aug. 4, 2024
3 p.m. - 5 p.m. US/Pacific


Pema Osel Ling
2013 Eureka Canyon Road
Watsonville, CA 95076
United States