Practicing the Black Hayagriva Sadhana


 Tulku Thadral Rinpoche shrine room

 Practicing the Black Hayagriva Sadhana

with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche

February 15 and 16, 1-3:30 p.m.

Streaming Only


Saturday, Feb 15 1-3:30 pm Streaming Link

Saturday, Feb 16, 1-3:30 pm Streaming Link



Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will offer teachings on Practicing the Black Hayagriva Sadhana. This teaching is FREE AND OPEN TO ALL. No registration neccesary. Attendance is recommended if you plan to join the Black Hayagriva Gutor-Losar Retreat February 22-28.


Learn how to follow the sadhana as well as the meaning of the different sections of the practice that we will be doing at our 2025 Gutor-Losar Retreat.


An online, read-only text will available during the teaching. A hard copy of the  Black Hayagriva Sadhana is available at Dharma Treasures. Digital copies are not available for download.


Black Hayagriva teachings offered by Lama Sonam Rinpoche and Tulku Thadral Rinpoche are available at Dharma Treasures.


The Black Hayagriva Gutor-Losar Retreat takes place Feb. 22 -28, and includes empowerment and lungs.


Lama Sonam:


"Extremely Wrathful Black Hayagriva has special power to affect beings’ minds and benefit those who are depressed, dysfunctional, or crazy, as well as to cure disease. This is the condensed essence of all the billions of Hayagriva practices. It is easy to practice and highly effective. Even hearing this practiced will subdue all classes of spirits. Remembering it will eradicate all wrong views and demonic forces. Touching the image of this Hayagriva will pacify all disease and the passions of the five poisons. For whoever has a connection to this practice the seed of samsara will be destroyed.


"Padmasambhava accomplished deathlessness through practicing Hayagriva. He transmitted it to his heart disciples, Yeshe Tshogyal and King Trisong Deutsen to practice and hide as terma. This terma was later discovered by Dudjom Lingpa, who was the emanation of Khyeuchung Lotsawa and Guru Dorje Drolod in person. HH Dudjom Rinpoche compiled this whole practice to make it easy to practice."


Gutor-Losar Offerings and Prayer Flags

Dedicate Prayer Flags to Your Loved Ones



It is traditional for individuals to make an offering to teachers and translators at the conclusion of teachings. Tibetan offering scarves (khatas) can be purchased at the Dharma Treasures store and we provide envelopes for monetary offerings.  Please bring enough cash as the bookstore is only able to offer limited cash back on debit purchases, and we do not have an ATM on the land.

You are welcome to email or leave a message at (831) 761-6266 with any questions you may have. We hope you enjoy your retreat!


Organizer Dharma Programs


Sat, Feb. 15 - Sun, Feb. 16, 2025
1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. US/Pacific


Pema Osel Ling
2013 Eureka Canyon Road
Watsonville, CA 95076
United States