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Volunteer to help with Mendrup Dudtsi!

Rolling Mendrup Lee Photo


Volunteer to help prepare the Dakini Mendrup Dudtsi starting May 30th!


We will be preparing and rolling mendrup dudtsi daily starting May 30th during our Annual Summer Retreat!


During our Khandro T'huk T'hik (Yeshe Tsogyal) Drupchen, we will be consecrating sacred Tibetan medicine (Mendrup or Dudsti), which has the power to liberate through taste.  Read Lama Sonam Rinpoche's teaching about Mendrup here. During the following three retreats - Troma NagmoShitro and Guru Rinpoche Seven Treasures - we will be drying the Mendrup with a “rolling” process that involves the continuous effort of many people. It is physically challenging, and has to be sustained over many days. 


We invite you to volunteer for any length of time during these three retreats. Volunteers can pitch a tent, or use the limited indoor facilities, as available, and enjoy three meals a day. We are asking for a contribution towards your food. Commuters are welcome. We ask that those staying over and having meals make a commitment of six hours a day of participation in the Mendrup rolling, in shifts of approximately two hours each. While your main focus will be to help with the rolling, there will be opportunities to attend some retreat sessions. 



Lama's checking mendrup shrine Mendrup in Shrine activity  Lamas and Ani checking mendrup Tara Room

"The vast benefits of mendrup dudtsi are especially needed in these degenerate times, when emotions are turbulent and elements are imbalanced. Good fortune, health, merit and prosperity will one day come to all those who have contact with it on this earth and it will alleviate suffering for beings of all realms with our intention. Most importantly, every sentient being that comes into contact with it in any way will definitely be connected to the inexpressible liberation of enlightenment. This sacred substance is truly one medicine for all."

- Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche



The drying and rolling will start May 30 and continue through the end of the Summer Retreat June 16, at which point we will see if we need to continue. All volunteers will receive Mendrup to take home. 


We hope you can come to share in this opportunity to generate inconceivable merit and purification, to share in the Sangha gathering and to enjoy the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains. If it wouldn't work for you to be a full-time volunteer, you are welcome to register for any of the above retreats and help with the mendrup.


Sign up to volunteer to help roll the mendrup dudti and come spend the day at Pema Osel Ling Retreat Center. For more information Contact for details.


Please join us for a couple hours or even longer as we work daily to dry and prepare this precious blessed substance. We hope to see you soon for the Mendrup Rolling activity!

Your Dharma friends at Pema Osel Ling


Even if you are not able to participate in person or by streaming, we invite you to make an auspicious connection with sponsorship of the mendrup, tsok, lamps and Riwo Sangchod smoke offerings. 


Visit us here for more information on our Annual Summer Retreat, and Khandro T'huk T'hik Mendrup Drubchen.