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2024 Summer Retreat Celebration, Pujas and Sacred Dance - June 16

June 16 - Siddhis and Dances 5:00 am – Collection of Seven Treasures Puja with Dances - 9:00 am – Collection ...

Shitro Empowerment 2024 Streaming Links

June 7  9:00 am - 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities (Shitro) Empowerment - 3:00 pm – 100 Peaceful and Wrathful ...

Volunteer to help with Mendrup Dudtsi!

  Volunteer to help prepare the Dakini Mendrup Dudtsi starting May 30th!   We will be preparing and rolling mendrup ...

Dakini Mendrup Drupchen 2024 Sponsorship

Dakini Mendrup Drupchen Sponsorship May 21 - 30, 2024   This year we are holding a very special Dakini Mendrup ...

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche's Cabin Renovation

  We are happy to let you know about progress we are making on renovating a cabin which will be ...

Collection of Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Empowerment and Lungs 2024 Streaming Links

 Please bookmark this page.   June 10 9:00 am - Vajrasattva Daily Puja with Tsok - 2:00 pm - Collection ...

Collection of Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat 2024 Streaming Links

Please bookmark this page.   June 10 9:00 am - Vajrasattva Daily Puja with Tsok - 2:00 pm - Collection ...

Shitro Empowerment and Retreat 2024 Streaming Links

 Please bookmark the page.   June 7  9:00 am - 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities (Shitro) Empowerment - 3:00 pm ...

Troma Nagmo 2024 Empowerment and Lungs Streaming Links

Please bookmark the page.   June 1 - Saga Dawa Duchen  9:00 am - Buddha Puja, Riwo Sangchod and Tsok ...

Troma Nagmo 2024 Retreat Streaming Links

Please bookmark the page.   June 1 - Dakini Day 9:00 am - Buddha Puja, Riwo Sangchod and Tsok - ...