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Khandro T'huk T'hik Empowerment and Lungs Streaming Links

Please bookmark this page.   May 21, 9:00 am - Khandro T’huk T’hik (Yeshe Tsogyal) Empowerment -     May ...

Khandro T'huk T'hik Mendrup Drupchen Streaming Links

The streaming links for the Khandro T'huk T'hik Mendrup Drupchen Retreat will be posted here.   Please bookmark this page. ...

Tseyang Khatrod Empowerment and Lungs 2024 Streaming Links

Tseyang Khatrod Empowerment and Lungs Please bookmark it for future reference.   May 14 - Buddha’s Birthday and Tseyang Khatrod ...

Tseyang Khatrod 2024 Streaming Links

The streaming links for the Tseyang Khatrod Retreat will be posted here.   Please bookmark this page.   May 14, ...

Streaming Links 2024 Ngondro Retreat

Pleae bookmark this page.   March 30, Saturday:  7:30 am - Ngondro and Concise Khandro Tuktik Puja and Tsok - ...

Vajrayogini Empowerment Streaming Link

The YouTube link for the Vajrayogini Empowerment (wang) will be posted on this page. Please bookmark the page.   Please ...

Streaming Links Ngondro Retreat Sam's Weekend 2024

Pleae bookmark this page.   Streaming links will be posted here before the beginning of retreat.   March 30, Saturday:  ...

Streaming Links Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche Ri Chö 2024

Please bookmark this page.   Friday, March 1 6:00 pm Pacific Time - Mountain Dharma Oral Transmission (Lung) and Teachings: ...

Gutor-Losar 2024 Streaming Links

January 31:  10:00 am – Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba Putri Rekphung) Empowerment: 3:00 om Start of Gutor Vajrakilaya puja and tsok: ...

Trekchod-Rushen Retreat 2024 Streaming Links

Vajrayana Foundation Annual Trekchod Retreat - Dec 30 - Jan 7    Dec 30: 7:30 am - Khandro Thuk Thik Daily ...