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Tseyang Khatrod 2023 Retreat Streaming Links

Tseyang Khatrod Retreat Streaming Links May 26 - June 3, 2023   The streaming links will be posted here. Please ...

Troma Retreat 2023 Streaming Links

Troma Nagmo Ngondro and Four Feasts Retreat Streaming Links June 4 – 13, 2023   Any updates to the schedule ...

Ngondro Retreat 2023 Streaming Links

2023 Ngondro Retreat and Teachings with Sam Bercholz April 1-9, 2023   April 1 7:30 am  - Daily Puja Session ...

Mountain Retreat 2023 Streaming Links

  Note: Per Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, there will be no recordings of these teachings. All streaming must be done ...

Losar-Gutor Vajrakilaya 2023 Retreat Streaming Links

    Feb 11, 10:00 am - Vajrakilaya Empowerment - Feb 11, 3:00 pm - Start of Gutor Vajrakilaya Puja and ...

Introduction to Rushen Public Talk

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche   "Introduction to Trekchod and Rushen" Teaching Open to the Public by donation January 1, 10 am ...

2022 Year-End Stupa Donations

 Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche at the Stupa    Thank You ! With your generous tax-deductible gift, and our shared vision, ...

Retreat Teaching Series

New Teaching Series on Retreat with Drubpon Pema Rigdzin     December 8, 2022, 5:00 - 7:00 PM (PST) By Streaming Only ...

Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche 2022 Streaming Links

Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche, teaching on Dudjom Rinpoche's Practical Advice on How to Practice Dharma and Achieve a Successful Result     ...

Thanksgiving 2022 Streaming Links

Please bookmark this page.   Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 24 1:00 pm - Amitabha Zhing-Drub Pure Land Tsok Offering Puja ...