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Vajra Armor During Coronavirus Streaming

Lama Sonam Rinpoche's 2020 Teachings on Vajra Armor:   Saturday March 28th 10am Oral Transmission and Teachings:   Saturday ...


    Pema Osel Ling Holy Day and Daily Puja Streaming     Please click here to donate to help ...

Coronavirus Protection

  Download the Mantras and Prayers as a PDF.

Test 2019 YE landing page

   Offering Pond and Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche's 2018 Empowerment Tents    Thank You! Your Year-End Gift will preserve Pema Osel ...

Legacy Giving and Other Gifts

Make Offerings   Include the Vajrayana Foundation as part of your Planned Giving. Make a difference for generations to come We ...

Auction 2019

Sixth Annual Auction   November 23 - December 2   Thanks to the incredible generosity of everyone who donated items, ...

Year End 2019 Donations

   Offering Pond and Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche's Empowerment Tents     Thank You! Your vision and generosity keep Dharma activity going! ...


  Thank you for your support and generosity!Love All of us at Drubnyi Dojo Gatsal EMAIL NAMES FOR DEDICATION: DRUBDRA@VAJRAYANA.ORG ...

Drubdra Jinsek Test

Drubdra Ceremonies Jinsek per day (select 1-5 days) $150.00 USD Tsok per day (select 1-5 days) $200.00 USD Ceremony 21 ...


Lama Tharchin Rinpoche 1936-2013 The Steps of the Gradual Path by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche 1997     Lama Pema Dorje ...