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2021 Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche Retreat Streaming Links

Retreat Information and Resources: (Please remember to bookmark this page)   Thank you for joining our Seven Treasures Guru Rinpoche ...

2021 Shitro and Neydren Retreat Streaming Links

Retreat Information and Resources: (Please remember to bookmark this page)   Thank you for joining our Shitro Ngakso & Neydren ...

2021 Troma Nagmo Retreat Streaming Links

Retreat Information and Resources: (Please remember to bookmark this page)   Thank you for joining our Troma Nagmo Retreat. We will ...

2021 Tseyang Khatrod Retreat Streaming Links

Retreat Information and Resources: (Please remember to bookmark this page)   Thank you for joining our Tseyang Khatrod Retreat: The Union of ...

Bodhicharyavatara Lung

The way of the Bodhisattva Oral Transmission & Bodhisattva Vows April 22 - 23 at 2:00 pm   YouTube Streaming ...

2021 Annual Ngondro Retreat Streaming Links

  Retreat Information and Resources: (Please remember to bookmark this page)   Lama Sonam Rinpoche will give the lungs for the Concise ...

Five Taras and Great Arhat Mandala Project

          Lama Sonam Rnpoche has decided that this is the right time to begin a very ...

Thank you Taras and Arhats Statues Project

          Thank you so much for your generous support of our Tara and Arhat Statues Project ...

Tara and Arhat Statues Donate

        We invite you to donate to our Five Taras and Great Arhat Mandala Statue Project Green ...