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    We have an exquisite new 6 foot crystal chandelier in our shrine room. It was installed just in ...

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016: Vajra Armor with Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche

  Vajrapani     This Thanksgiving weekend, November 25th through 27th, Pema Osel Ling will host teachings and practice sessions ...
Category: programs

Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche Monkey Year letter

During our Summer Retreat Drupchen, we received a beautiful letter from Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche, written on the Dakini Day of ...

Magical Display of the Arts - Casting Demonstration

Epoxy Resin Casting Demonstration Sunday, June 5, 2:30-5 PM   Download the flyer here. .  

Summer Retreat: Collection of Seven Treasures Drupchen/ Children's Retreat

  REGISTER SCHEDULE and PRICING (coming )TEXT LIST (coming )RIDESHAREOFFERINGS Drupchen (Great Accomplishment) is an extensive practice retreat. In the Collection of Seven Treasures: ...

Summer Retreat: Shitro Ngagso and Neydren Practice

    REGISTER SCHEDULE and PRICINGTEXT LIST (coming )RIDESHAREOFFERINGS “Shitro is an incredible and powerful accumulation that is dedicated to world peace ...

Summer Retreat 2016: Troma Empowerment w Gyepa Rinpoche

     REGISTER SCHEDULE and PRICING TEXT LIST (coming )RIDESHAREOFFERINGS   Gyepa Dorje Rinpoche, a  pre-eminent teacher of the Dudjom Tersar tradition, is ...

Summer Retreat 2016: Black Hayagriva Retreat

     REGISTERSCHEDULE and PRICINGTEXT LIST (coming )RIDESHAREOFFERINGS Black Hayagriva is very special, rarely practiced these days and rarely known. For ...

Summer Retreat 2016: Troma Nagmo w Sangye Khandro

 REGISTERSCHEDULE and PRICINGTEXT LIST (coming )TROMA PRACTICE ITEMS (coming)RIDESHAREOFFERINGS The “Sole Mother” or Troma Nagmo, the Black Wrathful Dakini, is one ...

Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche speaks about Lama Sonam Rinpoche

On Lama Sonam’s Teaching at Orgyen Dorje Den on Ritual Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche March 18, 2016   Thank you to ...