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Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche Dechö Offerings

   "When our teachers pass into parinirvana, this means that through their immeasurable compassion, they will be performing their wisdom ...

Dechö Offerings

  At Pema Osel Ling we will be offering strings of beautiful white lotus lights on the mandala base of ...

Offerings for Mamaki "All Things Water" Project

THE MAMAKI "ALL THINGS WATER" PROJECT Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and the Delhi Sangha sing Tsok Khang Dechen July 26, 2013 ...
Category: projects | Sub Category: mamaki - all things water

Completed Summer Retreats 2015

Dudjom Tersar Troma Nagmo Ngondro Retreat: May 28–June 4 Troma Schedule and Text listTexts are available at Dharma Treasures, and the ...

Summer Retreat Offerings

 I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN OFFERING FOR: Summer Retreat Tsok Sponsor Entire Tsok $250.00 USD Sponsor Partial Tsok 108 ...

Thank you

Thank you so much! We sincerely appreciate your generosity in supporting the Vajrayana Foundation.  We hope you and your loved ...

Thank you for your offerings

Thank you so much! Your generosity in making offerings and sponsoring our ritual activities is deeply appreciated. ♥ ♥ ♥  TO DEDICATE YOUR ...

Nepal Earthquake-Message from Lama Sonam Rinpoche

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters and Friends,   As we all know, the earthquake in Nepal has caused unbearable suffering for ...

Ngondro Webcast Archive (Members Only)

Here are links to our monthly Ngondro Program webcasts.Please contact the Program Coordinator for the password. March 2015 with Regina ...

Day of Miracles Tsok

  March 5, 2015 is Chotrul Duchen, the full moon day of the first Tibetan month, which is celebrated as ...