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Kunzang Gatshal Troma Retreat

  Dungse Garab Rinpoche will lead a Krodhikali Retreat based on the Troma Ngondro practice of Dudjom Lingpa. It will ...

Garab Dorje Lama/Orgyen Thinley

Garab Dorje Lama, also known as Orgyen Thinley, was born in Nepal to Dechen Dolkar and the Venerable Gyepa Rinpoche.  ...

Tshogyal Choedon

Tshogyal Choedon was born in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal to Dechen Dolkar and the Venerable Gyepa Rinpoche.  Her grandfather, the ...

Gutor-Losar Offerings and Prayer Flags

  Sponsor Tsok, Butter Lamps, Riwo Sangchö and Ritual Offerings during Vajrakilaya and Losar.     Please send names for ...

Dorsem Lama Chopa Pujas for Chatral Rinpoche's Parinirvana

  Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche's Parinirvana Dorsem Lama Chopa Pujas   Kyabje Chatral Rinpoche passed into parinirvana December 30, 2015.  ...

2015 Year End Giving

Your year end tax-deductible donation will help ensure that Pema Osel Ling continues to thrive as a place where you ...

Drubdra 2015 Jinseks

  Since 1992, the Vajrayana Foundation drubdras have continued unbroken and more than 50 people have passed through Drubnyi Döjö Gatsal ...

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche at Pema Osel Ling- Nov 8-11, 2015

Return to Main Event Page REGISTRATIONSchedule and PricingCar Pool Forum November 8Green Tara Empowerment and TeachingsRinpoche received the empowerment for Dudjom ...

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche in Los Angeles - 2015

Return to Main Event Page   October 27: 7:00 pm: Full Moon Tsog (Blessing Feast)Location: Lhundrup Choling, 2028 Corinth Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025Contact: Khenpo ...

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche in Oregon - 2015

Return to Main Event PageEugene, OregonOctober 13-16: 7:00 pm: Leading daily practice and giving daily teachings on the 37 Practices of the BodhisattvaOctober ...