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Lhabab Duchen Offerings: November 3, 2015

  Lhabab Duchen is November 3 this year. Lama Sonam Rinpoche told us last year, "This is one of the five ...

Troma Nagmo Wangchen Practice Aids

Practice Aids for the Throma Wangchen Attendees (September 7 2014 with Garab Dorje Rinpoche)Concise Throma Practice Concise Throma Nagmo text ...

Lama Gyaltsen Teachings on Ngondro

Lama Tsering Gyaltsen Rinpoche's teachings on Dudjom Rinpoche's commentary on the Ngondro: A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom, given at Saraha ...

Digital Texts

Please visit the Bero Jeydren page 

Library of Sacred Texts

The Vajrayana Foundation Library of Sacred Texts at Pema Osel Ling     It had long been one of  Lama ...
Tags: library, text


MENDRUP DRUPCHEN SPONSORSHIP JUNE 29 – July 7 This year we are holding a very special Mendrup Drupchen, with the ...


Summer Retreat 2014 Offerings and Sponsorship (Scroll down to sponsor Medrup Druphen)   “If you are able to come to ...


Sacred Dances      Lingdro Dances  Our next performance will be July 11, 2019. Details will be updated on our ...


Lama Tharchin Rinpoche - A Great Yogi Rememberd Recording of Teachings given by Tulku Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche, Tulku Anam Thubten ...